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Financial Supports

There are no fees to adopt from foster care in Massachusetts - the process for application, training, and licensing is 100% free to families. We all know that the care and support for a child extend long after an adoption is finalized, however. Listed below are a few financial supports available to families who adopt from foster care.



Adoption Subsidy: All children who are adopted through the Department of Children and Families are eligible for state administered Adoption Subsidy. Adoption subsidy is not guaranteed, rather subsidies are available to parents who adopt children with ongoing physical, emotional, and/or intellectual needs. Children who are adopted at older ages or as part of a larger sibling group are typically granted subsidy. Subsidy is re-evaluated annually.  If a child does not have any defined special needs at the time of adoption, they will receive a deferred subsidy, making them eligible for subsidy in the future should a greater level of need become apparent.  The benefits available through the adoption subsidy programs are determined on an individual basis and may include monthly care payments, health insurance coverage (Mass Health), or reimbursements for the cost of special services (PACT). The subsidy programs are intended to remove financial barriers to the adoption of children with special needs, but they are not intended to cover the full cost of raising a child.  Learn more about adoption subsidies here.


Gift of Adoption: A national charity with a Massachusetts chapter that raises funds to provide grants to families to complete the adoptions of vulnerable children. Priority is placed on helping children at risk of not finding permanency, including children with critical medical conditions, those at-risk of separation from siblings, or teens at risk of aging out of foster care.  Grants are given without regard to age, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or marital status of the family.  Applicants must be US Citizens, have an approved homestudy, and demonstrate financial need. Applicants must have a prospective child match identified for which there are financial barriers related to travel, home accomodations, medical equiptment, etc.


Tuition Waiver Program:  Any child adopted through DCF since 2000 by a resident of Massachusetts or an employee of the Commonwealth will have 100% of the tuition for state-supported undergraduate courses waived until the adopted youth reaches his or her 25th birthday. This benefit applies to all state colleges and universities, as well as community colleges. The waiver is also available to any child who was in DCF care under a Care and Protection petition for 12 consecutive months and was neither adopted nor returned home (including children who were placed in guardianships).  Eligible youth (or a parent if the youth is under 18) can request a waiver by writing to the address below. Youth must include a copy of their amended birth certificate.

Massachusetts Department of Children and Families
Director of Adoption Support Services
600 Washington Street 6th floor
Boston, MA 02111

Federal Adoption Tax Credit: For families who finalized an adoption in 2022 there is a federal adoption tax credit of up to $14,890 per child. 



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