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How Much Does It Cost to Adopt a Child From Foster Care?

There are no costs involved with foster care adoption in Massachusetts!


All application, training and homestudy costs associated with licensing, legal costs, and other related expenses are covered by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF). There standard expenses associated with raising a child, of course, (think things like Xboxes, bikes, soccer leagues, etc).


This is one of the largest differences between adoption from foster care and other types of adoption. While private infant adoption and inter-country adoption both have associated costs, usually in the thousands of dollars, adoption from foster care does not. 


Additionally, a child adopted from foster care is eligible for Mass Health through their 18th birthday (though families can put the the child on their own health plan) and eligible for free tuition at a state college or university.


Want to learn more? Explore our in-depth article on how to adopt from foster care.



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