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With Hope & Solidarity

To the MARE Community,

The turmoil of the past many weeks can lead to feelings of dizziness, rage, or even numbness.  In this confusion, we at MARE continue to find our footing on the solid ground of our guiding values of compassion, innovation and connection.  We work intentionally every day to draw strength and fortitude from these values.  This has never been more critical than in these trying times, as we see protections and resources being stripped from those we care deeply about. 

While the threats of recent executive orders are alarming and destabilizing, the emotions provoked are not new to the young people we serve.  The stress of family separation, lacking a place for true belonging, feeling unseen or inhuman, and the hopelessness of having no agency over your own future are all frequent experiences for those impacted by foster care.  And these traumas are only intensified by additional chaos in the world.  

We’ve long been aware of the role that physical safety and stability play in mental health and wellness for the youth we serve, most notably the impact on LGBTQ+ youth, children of color and those with disabilities.  Without the protectant factor that family can provide, you can imagine how terrifying this state of turmoil can be. 

In this critical moment we’d like to share our recently refreshed Equity Commitments, reaffirming MARE’s unwavering dedication to caring for the children, families, and communities at greatest risk of isolation. This commitment extends to how we care for the wellness of our staff, many of whom are members of the communities we serve, and bear the additional burdens of caring for others, and caring for self, while supporting the children and families MARE serves.  

MARE’s role has always been to shine a light on those who go unseen in the child welfare system. Call it what you may, but our core mission remains to offer an extra, personalized leg up for those who need it more than others. We will continue to fight to ensure that a childhood free of instability, fear and injustice is not a privilege reserved for the few, but a right available to all.   

So we invite you to join us in the solidarity of compassionate community as we double-down in continuing to do what MARE has done for 67 years  –  to show our young people hope for the future, celebrate their unique identities, and recognize the humanity in every story. 

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