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Frequently Asked Questions

Don't see what you are looking for below? Attend an information session to get the inside scoop on adoption from foster care.
Table of Contents

Starting the Process

How long does it take to adopt from foster care?

Why does the process take so long?

How much does it cost to adopt from foster care?

What is the difference between DCF and a contracted agency?

Should I work with DCF or a contracted agency?

Can I talk with someone who has adopted? I need help deciding if this is right for me

MAPP Training and Homestudy Process

How do I signup for MAPP training?

Who offers MAPP Training?

Does my partner also have to attend MAPP training?

"Home Inspection" and "Home Study", what's the difference?

Why is my homestudy taking so long to complete?

I am already a foster parent. What do I need to do to adopt from foster care?


Am I eligible to adopt from foster care?

If my CORI background check shows a misdemeanor, am I automatically disqualified from adopting?

Why can't I start the process until I move to my new home/apartment?

Does owning a dog disqualify me for adoption?

My home has a pool. Will that cause me to fail the home inspection?

Can I adopt as a single person?

I currently live in a one-bedroom apartment, but am hoping to secure a two-bedroom apartment soon. Can I begin the adopting process now?

What do the guidelines about a home mean when it says a bedroom above the second floor must have two means of egress?

I have a history of mental health issues. Am I allowed to adopt?

I am in the process of getting a divorce and am separated right now. Can I start the process now?

What is the guideline around lead paint in a home?

I have an H1B visa. Can I adopt from foster care?

I want to adopt from foster care, but will likely move out of state in the future. How will that work as many children need to maintain birth family connections?

Out of State

I don't live in Massachusetts, but I plan to move. Can I start the process in the meantime?

I live in another state. Is it possible for me to adopt a child from Massachusetts?

Other Questions

Can I start as a foster parent and later adopt a child placed in my home?

Why are some children removed from pre-adoptive families?

What is Open Adoption?

How does MARE fit in with DCF and other agencies?