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Basic Supports: Organizations That Can Help on Your Adoption Journey

Local Support Organizations:


Kid’s Net: A program of MSPCC, provides support to pre-adoptive, foster, and kinship parents who are caring for children in DCF custody. Their services are offered statewide and include respite care, short term childcare, training opportunities, and an after-hours emergency hotline (1-800-486-3730).

Adoptive Families Together (AFT): A program of MSPCC, is a network of adoptive families who understand the benefit of peer support while raising children with complex issues. Their parent support meetings, held throughout the state, are open to families at any stage in the process. AFT works to provide post-adoptive information, education, and support for people touched by adoption.

Adoption Journeys: A program of Child and Family Services, provides post-adoption support services to families throughout Massachusetts. Any family who has legalized an adoption is eligible to receive Adoption Journeys services, which include support groups for parents and children, adoption counseling, respite services, parent liaisons, adoption competency training, intensive crisis response, and clinician referral.


Adoption Search and Reunion:  Massachusetts Department of Children and Families: For inquiries regarding closed adoption records including both DCF and private adoptions call 617-748-2240.


National Support Organizations:


AdoptUSKids: A national project working to ensure that children and teens in foster care get safe, loving, permanent families, by educating families about foster care and adoption and maintaining the nation’s only federally funded photolisting service that connects waiting children with families.


The Child Welfare Information Gateway: Provides information and resources on a wide variety of topics related to adoptive parenting to help protect children and strengthen families.


The North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC): A national organization founded by adoptive parents who offer advocacy, education, resources, and adoption support. 


Creating a Family: A national adoption & foster care education and support nonprofit, offering webinars, online resources and support group toolkits for foster, adoptive and kinship families.  

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